Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Flora & Fauna Of French Polynesia

French Polynesia is thought of as a real floral paradise, because of the huge number of species due to the diversity of the climate and physical conditions of islands and atolls. There are nearly one thousand native species augmented by the hundreds of species imported by Europeans during the last few centuries.

Polynesian people wear at least one flower behind the ear, or stuck in their hair. They frequently wear a crown of flowers and a garland as well around their neck, called the Tiare Tahiti the Tahitian Gardenia, which is snowy white in colour. This is the threaded and plaited garland you may well be given on arrival at Papeete, entwined with the Maire, a fern which symbolises Tahiti.

In addition the following flowers are very popular and can be used on garlands, and flower arrangements. The Hibiscus, the Helconias, red ginger and red torch ginger, flamingo flowers, paper flowers, and of course the many orchid varieties. Finally the Temple flower which is actually a little tree.

Additional flowering plants of course includes bougainvillea, oleander, frangipani, pointsettia, and many others.

The mountainous volcanic islands are densely covered in vegetation, dominated by Coconut Palms. There are a number of other interesting trees including the famous Mutiny on the Bounty breadfruit. In additionpapaya, banana, grapefruit, avocado, orange, mandarin, lime and lemon abound, which accounts for the huge amount of fruit that appears at meal times.

The Fauna of French Polynesia in the main is underwater, where the coral, constructed by living creatures is a multitude of colours, from bright yellow to deep purple and reds, taking in neon green and turquoise. The biggest accumulation of fauna is in the lagoons, and not the ocean outside the reefs.

What you will find in the lagoons at night are tiger-sharks, but Gray sharks are very common and Manta rays and giant turtles are not uncommon at all. The richest area is the passes where the tide rushes in and out, and the number of fish who spend all their lives living in the lagoons make snorkelling here very attractive.

All in all the huge variety of flora and fauna are what makes French Polynesia the simply beautiful place it is.

Peter Stewart writes exclusively for as well as and he has in depth knowledge of the places he writes aboutBertina Blog11763
Almira Blog54766

7 Easy Ways To Improve The Most Important Thing On Your Wedding DayYOUR SMILE!

10 Years from now your wedding will be a beautiful memory for you and your partner. The primary way for you to remember it all will be your treasured photos and video recordings.

Make sure Your Smile and Your Partners Smile are both radiant on the day. You dont want to look back and think.After all that money I spent on my dress, my beautician, my makeup, the photographerI really should have done something about my teeth.

Here are SEVEN inexpensive and easy ways for you to improve your smile...

1) Purchase an electronic toothbrush. It doesnt need to be an expensive one the $20 ones from the supermarket do a great job. Electronic toothbrushes are proven to clean better than hand held manual brushes, removing more tartar and helping the overall health of your mouth and teeth.

2) Use Listerine Whitening Mouthwash or something similar to kill any harmful bacteria, which will give you fresher breath and healthier teeth and gums.

3) Purchase an effective Professional Teeth Whitening System like White Wedding Smiles, which has been specifically designed for the Bride and Groom. A dazzling white smile is extremely important for your special day. It enhances your makeup, makes you appear more youthful and radiant and looks great in photos! Choose a system that has customized mouthguards that can take a proper impression of the teeth (not sports mouthguards). Holding the whitening gel against the teeth for a full half hour is most important in getting an EVEN whitening and a long lasting result. Make sure the active ingredient is Hydrogen Peroxide at least 7.5% to 9.5%. Hydrogen Peroxide is 3 times stronger than Carbamide Peroxide and works 3 times faster (you dont have to wear it to bed). Youll need to perform the treatment 3 weeks before your wedding and then for half an hour on the day of your wedding (to make em really white!)

4) Use a Lip Conditioner like Shizens Stick Conditioning Balm to soften dry lips, this will allow yours and the bridesmaids lipstick to glide on and stay on more easily throughout the day. Tiny lines around the mouth can trap colour, causing lipstick to "bleed" (not a good look for photos). Look for calming lip treatment with essential oils of myrtle, lavender, or tarragon, which goes on with a warm tingle and promotes healing. A lip conditioner will also prevent the soreness that you can get from smiling for the cameras (and from pure joy) all day.

5) Purchase a really good stay on lipstick before you go to your makeup artist. Wear it in all kinds of light before hand to make sure it suits your skin tone. In choosing the best colour, all you need to know is whether your skin tone is a "warm" yellowish or a "cool" bluish. If the orange, corals, peaches, browns, salmons and taupe colours look right on you, you have warm tones; if the pinks, roses, raspberries, plums, lilacs, and strawberry colours look right, you have cool tones. The best lipsticks are long-lasting, perfectly coloured and made with ingredients that enhance not only your look but the health of your lips as well. NOTE: Any lipstick with a mauve base makes you teeth look whiter look for anything with the word berry in it.

6) Use a lip pencil or liner before putting on lip colour. Lip pencils can add clean definition and can also subtly redefine your mouth. Drawn just outside your natural lip line, a lip pencil can add fullness; drawn just on the inside, your lips can appear slightly thinner. Add fullness to your bottom lip with a lip pencil two shades lighter than the one you use on your upper lip.

7) Choose a lip gloss with essential organic oils like Grapefruit and Tangerine. These oils not only add health to your lips: their natural scents create instant aromatherapy and have been shown to give you a boost of energy. OR for calming and soothing stressed nerves on your special day, try Rose and Lavender.

Remember: Choose your lipstick first, then add your lip pencil (one shade darker than your lipstick) and finish by picking your lip gloss one shade lighter than your lipstick. Make sure your lip pencil, lipstick and gloss are all from the same colour range and that they match your skin tone.

And then. Smile for the Cameras :)

Rebecca Beazley has been a teeth whitening specialist in the Dental Industry for more than 8 years. Along with numerous dentists and chemsits she has developed her own range of professional teeth whitening systems sold to dental surgeries and Beauty salons across the world. For more information visit,, http://www.ytsmiles.comAundrea Blog29932
Angelica Blog74117

Bad Credit Woman Business Loans: Craft Your Dreams Into Reality

Women might be physically weaker then men but they have vindicated their equality in all sectors including the corporate sector. In the corporate world they might encounter any sort of bad credit tags and still stand to combat to restore their financial status. Such women have bagged acclaimed from financial institutions and also the institutions have come forward to aid financially in the commercial activities by introducing the bad credit woman business loans. Bad credit woman business loans can be obtained by the fair sex for both small and sizable commercial expenses. They can borrow the loan for purchasing commercial sites, machineries, stocks and shares, office repairment and so on. Every women business professional are eligible for this loan plan and can borrow with or without placing property as security to lenders.

The amount of bad credit woman business loans usually depends upon the ability of placing valuable collateral. Applicants who are able to place collateral of higher equity can borrow more amount in comparison to a lower equity. Depending upon the equity the repayment tenure and rate of interest are calculated. But the tenure has a limitation of within 5-25 years and the interest rates fluctuate from one lender to another without offers. But before applying for loans always estimate the value of your expenses and present the layout to the lenders in a rational and logical way as loans are approved based up on the layout of the commercial activities.

Bad credit woman business loans not only provide financial aid but also empower them to rebuild their hampered credit score to nullify other financial hassles. They can continue their business smoothly or can also set-up a fresh enterprise with the loan of bad credit woman business loans. Thus, all such provision can be acquired by sitting at home or office. The amount of bad credit woman business loans can be utilized for commercial activities. Thus, bad credit woman business loans are here to strengthen the financial base of the bad credit woman business professionals.

Ben Gannon is a senior financial analyst at Woamn Business Loans with an acumen for business and loans. To find Bad Credit Woman Business Loanss, business loan start up woman, woman business loans uk, woman business loan start up uk, advance woman business loans visit Blog70988
Celia Blog26522

Choosing Domain Names Hyphens or Not?

Choosing a good domain name is one of most important steps in setting up your online business, but its getting harder and harder to find good names that are still available. You could use a domain name with hyphens, but is that really a good idea?

Lets quickly review what makes a good domain name. A domain name needs to be relevant, easy to remember, keyword optimized, and free from trademark conflicts. It should also be shorter. Although seven characters or less is ideal, you may have to settle for a domain name thats a little longer.

So youve just set up your new barbecue grills business and now you discover that is already taken. Should you consider hyphenating the domain name to or should you go back to the drawing board?

The first choice should always be to take the name without a hyphen. Having established that, there are some exceptions. Lets look at hyphenated domain names and when they are might be good to use.

Domains with hyphens can sometimes be a good idea if you really want certain words in your domain name but all the domains without hyphens are already taken.

Another reason to use a hyphen is when the words you plan to use are harder to read without the hyphen. The domain is harder to read than That is not necessarily a great domain name but it does serve to illustrate the point that some domains are easier to read with a hyphen.

You might also consider using hyphens for search engine optimization. Some people suggest that using hyphens helps the search engines to distinguish your keywords better. This may be a good option for webmasters whose primary goal is to optimize their sites for traffic from natural search engine rankings. The only catch here is that this could change over time since search engines are constantly adjusting their search algorithms.

Incidentally, if you decide not to use hyphens in your domain name, watch out for any unintended double meanings that might be embarrassing. To illustrate this point a couple of fairly suspicious domain names are and In case you are wondering the latter was reportedly the domain for the Mole Station Native Nursery based in New South Wales, Australia, although it seems, fortunately, to have moved.

Whatever reason you have for using a hyphen in your domain name, it would be good to remember one thing. Some people will forget the hyphen when they type your domain name. So whenever you invest in promoting your site, some lucky webmaster who owns the un-hyphenated version of your domain is going to get some free traffic, courtesy of your hard work.

As you can see, there are some situations when using a hyphen in your domain name may be a good decision.

Daniel Moro has been successfully building online businesses for ten years. Download your free report on '10 Remarkably Effective Traffic Building Techniques' at Blog76863
Celestyn Blog15560

Considerations For Buying A Home Treadmill

Throughout the years, the quest to achieve a healthier body, mind and spirit has extended to the kind of exercise equipment you use. Why drag yourself to the local gym for a workout when you can bring the same convenience and results of Ballys or Golds Gym to the comforts of your own home? A treadmill makes a great addition to a household, one that the entire family can get use from. It not only gets the heart pumping, tones and strengthens the body, but also is a great tool for weight loss.

Different Types of Treadmills

There are several different kinds of treadmills to choose from on the market. Numerous brands and manufacturers are available, providing a wide range of convenient features for your treadmill experience. There are also a variety of price tags that allows almost anyone, regardless of budget to save up for a home treadmill. Some used treadmill options can cost about $50, while a newer inexpensive model may cost between $85-$100. The higher-end treadmill brands (often loaded with advanced features) cost well over $1000.

While a commercial treadmill is mostly used for doctor offices and heavy-duty gyms, it often has a motor with higher power capacity than a treadmill marketed for home use. Commercial treadmills also weigh a considerable amount more than a home treadmill and are not created for easy storage. Many home treadmill options can fold so they do not take up as much space in a house setting.

Sometimes the reason why you want a treadmill will influence a purchase. If you plan on doing a lot of intense running or cross training, you may want to select a treadmill with higher speed options. Usually, frequent runners choose a treadmill that can reach speeds of 10mph. There are treadmill models that also offer an incline feature. An 8% to 10% incline is suggested for those looking to get into better shape.

Would you rather have a manual or a motorized treadmill? Manual treadmill selections are light and dont cost as much. Easy storage is also a plus with this option. The friction from your feet upon a running belt turns the rollers of the machine. The more popular motorized treadmill option provides a better overall workout. This is because consumers can adjust the speed of the belt to encourage walking, jogging or running. This is usually accomplished through the tap of a digital control pad.

What To Look For In a Treadmill Purchase

Over the years, treadmill choices have evolved into an all-inclusive health monitoring system, featuring some of the latest technology regarding exercise equipment. Depending on your budget and exercise needs, you may test for the following features: durability, ease of use, adequate foot rails, nice-sized belt, cushioned handrails, quality of motor, easily understandable control pad, present and customizable workout programs. Many treadmill options also offer convenient extras, such as trays, stands and holder for water bottles or sweat towels.

Health Benefits

Besides lowering cholesterol levels, increasing heart health, toning muscles, improving circulation and maintaining weight, the treadmill also boosts the immune system to better fight off infection and germs. Pregnant women can get the exercise they need through a slow walk. Senior citizens can increase bone mass and muscles through several different treadmill workouts. A home treadmill can also help with in-home therapies and rehabbing body parts.

Treadmill Maintenance

To ensure the shelf life of your treadmill, you should keep your machine dirt- and dust-free. A treadmill should be wiped clean of dirt once a week with the help of a damp cloth. Consumers should vacuum the dirt and dust that tends to accumulate between the frame and the belt. Make it a practice to adjust and align the treadmill belt. If a fuse has blown, make sure a proper replacement is used. Oil squeaky treadmill parts for optimal performance. If you keep up on the maintenance of your treadmill and you will have an efficient machine that will stand the test of time.

Jon Arnold is a computer engineer who maintains many websites to pass along his knowledge, experience, information, and findings. You can read more about Home Treadmills at his web site at Blog56255
Berna Blog42751

Arizona A Host Of Mortgage Companies Catering To All Your Loan Requirements

Arizona presents itself as one of the more developed states in the new world. New and improved industries are coming up and thus more and more people are migrating towards Arizona. Arizona lies in the southwestern United States and thus is an ideal spot for all types of industries to flourish. Not only does it provide excellent facilities to its inhabitants but it is a great tourist spot as well.

Mortgage companies in Arizona provide you with the best of deals, customer support and thus are an integral part in the growing economy. Almost 40% of the economy in Arizona is centered on the mortgage industry. It is quite surprising to believe that such a large number of mortgage companies exist and flourish in Arizona. Mortgage is basically a type of finance option that is available, which people take to fulfill any large monetary requirement they might be having at that point of time. Generally, people go for mortgage to finance the purchase of a new house. Being a southwestern state of United States, Arizona provides a huge opportunity for not only the mortgage companies to flourish but also for people who want credit. As the competition gets bigger the deals offered by Arizona mortgage companies get better and better.

The world is changing quickly and so are the needs of the people. Arizona is considered to be a heaven for getting mortgage done, owing to its reputation of mortgage companies. The service providers here give unmatched service and are enhancing their services according to the needs of the world. The mortgage sales person will come to your house and do the formalities for you. Owing to the fast paced economy, mortgage companies also have to increase their service quality and timely approvals. By filling out a simple form you can get credit. This is why Arizona is considered to be the best place to get mortgages.

Arizona offers a whole lot of opportunities for mortgage companies and in return the mortgage companies offer a whole new experience every time a customer steps into their shop. You get experience, flexibility, knowledge, technology and to top it all, trust. Advanced tools make your life easier as a customer. Most of the mortgage companies in Arizona are a part of multi national firms who saw the opportunity earlier and grabbed it with both hands. These firms in order to preserve their multi-national image have to give unparalleled services and quality to their customers.

Keith Gill is an Experienced Real Estate investor and Mortgage Banking Consultant and Loan Officer. Keith Prides himself on Bring accurate and valuable information to the Real Estate and Mortgage market place. Keith Can be driectly contacted by going to his personal website at http://www.YourLenderForLife.comCarolee Blog62241
Billie Blog11691

Financial and Political Problems Plague the Troubled St. Louis Schools

The 2006-2007 school year for the St Louis schools brings with it a financial deficit and accreditation problems carried over from the previous board majority. Additionally, superintendent Creg Williams proposed budget was voted down on June 13, so currently there is no budget for the upcoming school year.

Financial Deficit

The current financial deficit was caused by the state, when it refused to honor its contract with the St Louis schools under the desegregation agreement of 1999. Abruptly during the 2002-2003 school year, the state cut off the funding and flatly refused to honor the agreement to pay the required funding and has not paid a cent since.

The St Louis schools sued the state and won the lawsuit in circuit court. The state appealed the decision and has been dragging out the process ever since, delaying any decision on the appeal. The total amount in arrears that the state owes the St Louis schools is more than $120 million. This is the sole cause of the deficit for the upcoming school year.

Politics within the St Louis Schools

Adding to the financial troubles are the political problems that began in 2003, when board control of the St Louis schools was taken over by members loyal to Mayor Francis Slay. Voter support that was previously enjoyed by the St Louis schools was almost immediately lost.

There was nearly three years of disastrous performance in the St Louis schools. This majority essentially gave control of the St Louis schools to the New York management, consulting firm they hired, which resulted in the following:

There were three different superintendents within just one budget year

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Patricia has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Celeste Blog52321
Caitrin Blog28441

Knowing Your Data Is Safe

All companies of today make great use of the technology available to them and rely on their data. Most businesses however, dont have the budget to invest in network storage or large servers, which is what the bigger companies use to transfer information and create a backup of the information they rely on to carry out their operations.

Smaller businesses have a limited budget. When most encounter a disaster they never seem to recover, normally going out of business. Past disasters such as 9/11 or the dreaded hurricane have showed the importance of backups and disaster planning. Companies that thought things out and protected their data survived these disasters, while those that didnt went out of business.

There are several ways that you can protect your data and keep it safe. One of the most popular and easiest ways to protect your data is with a server. Servers are great for both large and small businesses, and protection the data for your business. They can tend to get expensive though, with the most popular server, Microsoft, starting out around $3,000.

Unlike other options, servers provide you with a safe and secure system to store all of your corporate data. You can set the permission of your files to prevent any unauthorized access, to keep your files safe. When using servers, most of the loss comes from either accidental deletion or employees that are upset with corporate management and decide to get into the server and erase files.

When using a server, your data will be stored in one central location, and not spread around over different computers in your network. Servers are very user friendly, and keep your files neat and tidy - in one location. This way you dont have to go looking all over the place for your data, you can look in the server and find everything you need.

Another way to keep your data safe is with CDs, DVDs, and even external hard drives. If you are using any of these methods, you should always do a backup of your information at the end of every day. With disasters being completely unpredictable, backing things up every day will ensure that you are protected if something should occur.

If you are backing things up to CD or DVD media, you should always put the discs in a safe and secure location, preferably a fireproof safe. This way, if the office should catch on fire, youll have your backup discs protected. You should always add your new backups to the safe at the end of every working day, so youll have them tomorrow if you need them.

You can also store your data and information offsite as well. This is a highly recommended option, as you pay a flat monthly fee and a company stores your information. Most have secure vaults and servers for your data, which ensures protection from unauthorized accidents or hazards. You dont need to worry about your data when using these services, as they will do the protection for you.

No matter which method you use for protecting your information, you should always make sure that you have a plan. Corporate data is very important and essential to success, which is why you should look into immediately if you dont have a plan already. If you know your data is safe and protected from hazards and unauthorized access - youll have the peace of mind in knowing that your data will be there each and every time you need it.

John Ugoshowa. You are welcome to use this article on your website or in your ezines as long as you have a link back to Blog62343
Buffy Blog58273

Training With A Sparring Partner Punching Bag

It isnt always possible to have another person available for sparring whenever you are ready to work out. That is one of the reason sparring bags are necessary. But sometimes, even if another person is available, training can be better done on the bag.

Sparring partner punching bag training lets you focus on delivering your blows and honing your technique without the distraction of being on the defense from blows of a sparring partner.

Sparring partner punching bags come in several different styles and are made of varying material. Traditionally, heavy bags weighing around 100 pounds were hung from the ceiling for punching and kicking. The older the bags became, the harder they would get until it became almost like punching a rock.

Today, sparring partner punching bags are made with inflatable chambers or have inner cores filled with water. They can be in the traditional cylinder shape or be shaped like a person complete with arms and legs. The punching bags can hang from the ceiling, or rise up from the floor.

Which style to choose is a matter of personal preference combined with the purpose of the bag. In some instances it might be better to have a sparring partner punching bag that rises up from the floor and better simulates an actual person.

Whatever style you choose, the end result is the same, if helps you to train your punches and kicks. Of course, hitting a sparring partner punching bag isnt exactly like the real thing since the bag doesnt hit back, and it has limited movement. The old style punching bags in particular will barely move when kicked or punched.

The sparring partner punching bags do make excellent training tools for developing your kicking and punching skills in martial arts and boxing. It helps you to build endurance and develop powerful punches.

Striking the heavy bag serves to develop gross motor skills upon which other sparring techniques are built. In addition, the bodys reaction to the punch impact can strengthen muscular structure, toughen up your joints, and increase bone density.

There are a few precautions one needs to take when working with a sparring partner punching bag because injuries can occur and sometimes the injury in nonreversible and becomes a chronic condition. These injuries typically occur if you are training improperly, or training too intensely.

As an athlete, you know how important it is to allow your body to rest in between workouts to allow it to repair itself. So dont train too hard or too frequently with the sparring partner punching bag or you might develop chronic injuries.

In addition to chronic type injuries, it is also possible to suffer an acute injury either because of improper technique or as the result of an accident. Injuries of this type include sprained ankles, broken bones, skin tears, and bruises.

Using a sparring partner punching bag to train on is hard work since you need to constantly push yourself to develop your skill. However, a punching bag can also serve the double purpose of being an outlet for boredom, and can be used in your leisure time as well. You may find it to be an enjoyable pastime to practice punching and kicking the bag even if you are not in training.

Sarah Thomas provides articles on You can find more of her work at the site http://www.sparringguide.comAggy Blog9190
Alisa Blog30344

Speaking Japanese: Learning the Language and the Cultural Etiquette

The Japanese language is considered by many to be easy to learn. Whether you wish to speak Japanese for personal reasons like travel or for professional reasons, it is important for you to consider that learning Japanese etiquette is as important as learning commonly used words and phrases.

Why is it that learning to speak Japanese is relatively easy? To begin with, there are only 5 vowel sounds:

A is voiced as ah, or the way English speakers pronounce the a in la;
I is pronounced as the English e in words like need and tea;
U is vocalized in much the same way as oo in words like cool and soon;
E is spoken with the same sound of the first e in the word letter and the e in set;
O is expressed as it is in the word told.

Knowing how each of the vowels sounds phonetically makes speaking the Japanese words less difficult.

In addition, the Japanese language is less complicated than many others because nouns are not tied to gender or number - the same word is used for one tree or many trees - and verb remains the same regardless of the subject. Unlike English, Spanish and French (and other Latin-based languages) in which you must learn different ways to conjugate the verb based on the subject, when learning Japanese, the verb will be either past tense or the present tense (ongoing actions or the suggestion of what may happen in the future are expressed with the present tense verb).

While pronunciations can be simple once you know how the vowels are spoken, and nouns and verbs are relatively easy as well, one way in which you may stumble with the language is word order. While in English sentences are typically in a subject - verb - object format, in Japanese they are presented in the order of subject - object - verb. Of course, just as we have prepositions in English, there are a number of articles in Japanese. One article used often is ka, which is used at the end of the sentence to ask a question (which is important because the question mark does not exist in Japanese).

Though challenges like punctuation exist in the written language, learning to speak and understand Japanese can be accomplished. There are many resources available online, books and flashcards, as well as computer software. By finding the one that will be most beneficial to you and practicing often, you will surely be able to learn the language.

Once you have learned the language, and even while you are learning, it is important to keep etiquette in mind because how you act has as much of an impact on how you are received as the words you use to express yourself.

Make sure that you keep the following in mind:

Unless you are very familiar with the person you are talking with, you should avoid using casual phrasings;

Avoid being loud to get someone's attention. It is better to wave or to approach them with a bow and then speak;

Use a quiet tone when speaking;

Be cautious with your body language as much of the communication that takes place is unspoken;

Always show respect for the person with whom you are speaking.

By maintaining respect for the people and cultural etiquette - you will find that beginning to communicate in Japanese is simple and, in time, you will become quite good at it.

Cory Pangelinan - Author of a Japanese Language Course teaching you How to Speak Japanese the Real way its spoken in Japan. Blog30282
Aline Blog11381

The Wedding Gift

One of the most special times in a persons life can be their wedding day. Much planning, preparation and emotion can go into that special day. For those wanting a huge celebration of their union it can take years of decisions and dedication to make it come out just the way it was in their dreams. Its a tribute to the special bond two people can have and an important event to mark the beginning of a couples life together.

No matter if the wedding is grand or simple, the event is almost always marked with a wedding gift for the special couple. In times past, the gift was usually a household item. Embarking on their new life together meant buying their first house and living as a family. Linen, china and small kitchen appliances were given to help the couple set up their new house.

Today we find many couples living together before they have a wedding. At the time of their wedding their house is already set up. Which leads to the question, What do we give the special couple to celebrate their vows to each other?

For some, gifts have shifted from household items to personal items. Spa packages and pampering products are seen being given to the bride and sports tickets and sports equipment to the groom. Sometimes a special event package is added on to the honeymoon or plane tickets are upgraded to first class. Most resorts and cruise lines have fruit, flower and gourmet gift baskets that can be purchased and placed in the newlyweds room for you.

For far away friends and family the gift search can be even more of a challenge. Gift cards although less than personal are, as they say, always the right size. Hiring a maid for the new couple to clean for a few months is a nice idea. Gift baskets filled with tasty delicacies the couple wouldnt normally treat themselves to can be a delicious surprise. There is a wide variety of gift baskets to choose from containing everything from caviar and sparkling cider to brownies and muffins. A breakfast basket containing everything necessary for a wonderful gourmet breakfast might be just the unique gift youre looking for.

If you still want to stick with the more traditional gifts like gifts for their home, theres still some ideas out there. A personalized quilt is a unique idea and will be appreciated for many years to come. You could get the happy couple an upgraded appliance or a set of holiday dinnerware. A plaque for outside their home with their house number or name is a nice touch they may not have. A security system is a great idea for everyones home and a gift they will remember each time they close the door or turn off the light. A set of the finest sheets is something they may not treat themselves to but would definitely enjoy.

Although the social circumstances of marriages may have changed, our desire to celebrate the giving of vows has not. Adjusting our gift ideas can be challenging. Be careful to consider your newlyweds and what might mean the most to them when choosing their gift. Give from the heart and you cant go wrong.

Sharon Lauer is the marketing director for Blog97830
Barby Blog57534

Truly Unique Gifts This Christmas - Create Your Own Personalized Music CDs from Marvel Heroes

Welcome to the Next Generation of Personalized Children's Music!

It's finally arrived... the latest development in the world of personalized children's music products, Grab and Go technology, by Kids Juke Box Inc, is now available at your local Toys R Us stores across the country and online at

Launching with the very first, Marvel Heroes, Music for Me CD.

This 8 song CD that sings your child's name throughout, has all of your children's favorite characters from Marvel, including Spider-Man, The Fantastic Four, Wolverine and more...

The patent pending Grab and Go technology, allows parents and kids to create their own personalized music CDs by selecting the child's name in the personalization process.

Designed to alleviate the significant challenges that retailers have faced when it comes to stocking and selling personalized products, this wonderfully useful, new technology, has also attracted the attention of some of the world's leading licensed brands as a way of personalizing their products for their loyal customers.

No more, no-name product brands, with licensing giants like Marvel, on board with the program from Kids Juke Box Inc, there is an air of expectancy on the quality of titles and the future development of other product lines utilizing the new technology.

Already developed are the inter active storybook versions of 'My Day with Spider-Man' and the world's first personalized children's music CD from The American greetings stable 'Care Bears Music for Me'

Awaiting product release are 2 other fantastic product lines, with a Grab and Go MP3 personalized Alarm Clock and a MP3 personalized Teddy bear. Both of these products come with a USB port built into the toy and can be programmed, to be personalized, with any of the thousands of names available from the Kids Juke Box website.

Each Grab and Go product comes with its own setup software included with the package and it is the setup process that allows the customer to create their own personalized product.

This is a break through in the rapidly growing personalization market and with the advent of more licensed brand like The Children's Television Network's Sesame Street characters early in 2007 it is easy to see that this new technology is set to revolutionize the personalization industry.

You can watch a quick demonstration video of the entire process HERE

When the personalization process is complete the customer has 2 ways to be able to playback their new personalized CD. The first way is with the GnG Music Player, this flash based music player is also personalized with the customer selecting the name, as a part of the download process.

It is a fully functional music player that runs straight from the customers desktop and also contains a CD burner function so customers can also burn a disc on the second CD provided as part of the Marvel Heroes Music for Me 2 CD set.

The newly personalized disc can be played in any computer and any other CD player, which is perfect for trips in the car and for taking over to a friends place. You can see the GnG Music player in action right here.

These new personalized music cds and storybooks are sure to be winners this Christmas. A gift that you can give knowing that it is truly unique and something your child will treasure for a long time to come.

Priced at under $20.00 these provide fantastic value for money and you can learn more about these products from Kids Juke Box Inc and their entire range of over 50 personalized children's music and other personalized products at their website.

Michael McBride is the VP of International Sales fro Kids Juke Box Inc in Carlsbad, CA enquiries mike@kidsjukeboxinc.comCacilia Blog91052
Barbie Blog33577

Loans For Every Occasion: Home Loans, Payday Loans, Student Loans And More...

At some point in life, it is almost guaranteed that you will be applying for a loan of some sort. Paying cash for products and services is not only becoming obsolete, it's terribly inconvenient. Today, credit is a way of life, and as more and more people begin to shop online, plastic is the currency accepted everywhere.

The most basic of loans is of course, the credit card. Companies that issue credit cards make money every month that you carry a balance, and they are betting on the fact that you won't pay off the balance every month.

Some loans actually make good business sense. Why would anyone want to shell out $300,000 for a new home when they could get a Home Loan and pay $1,000.00 a month, and then deduct the interest paid from their income taxes? That three hundred grand could be put to work in other investments, and could conceivably earn more for you than you are actually paying for the house! And all that time, if you time it right, your house becomes more and more valuable.

There are also times when for many people things just arent going well financially. An unexpected expense occurs and you find yourself just coming up short on your living expenses. Many types of loans exist for this type of situation, both secured and unsecured.

Maybe you just need some quick cash to get through the holidays, and intend to pay the loan off within the next few pay periods. Companies offering short term Payday Loans abound both on the Internet and off. Some with no credit check will transfer up to $1,500 into your bank account within 24 hours.

Student loans, auto loans, small business loans, personal loans, home loans, second mortgages, payday loans, government loans, bad credit loans, loans to consolidate other loans there is a loan for just about any occasion out there.

The question is how much are you going to pay for your loan? And the answer to that depends in most cases on your credit history.

Your Credit History: Weather or not you get the loan, and how much it will cost you.

It is never too early to start establishing credit, and the best way to do this is with a credit card. If you are finding it difficult to obtain a credit card because you have no history, you can always buy your history by applying for a secured credit card or line of credit. Put down $500 or $1,000 and borrow against it. Make sure the institution you are applying to reports to the major credit bureaus, use the line of credit and pay your bills on time, and voila you have a credit history! There is nothing wrong with carrying a balance over, just pay the minimum or a bit more, and pay it on time! Creditors like to think they will be making some money off of you.

What Lenders are Looking For

While different institutions have different criteria, there are some generalizations one can make about how they determine the creditworthiness of an applicant. Make no mistake about it; creditors are in the business of making money. If your credit is less than perfect, it doesnt necessarily mean you wont get the loan, but you will be paying more for it!

After receiving your application, a lender will then acquire a credit report from one of the three major credit bureaus, Equifax, Trans Union, or Experian. This is your credit history. Taking into account such factors as your income, the balances in your checking and savings accounts, the assets you own, the length of time you have been at your current job and place of residence, the amount you owe other creditors, and how promptly you pay your bills, the potential lender will then make a determination on if you will get the loan, and how much they will charge you for it.

Frequent late payments, bankruptcy, repossessions, legal judgment liens, or accounts being turned over to collection agencies do not bode well for obtaining a loan. That being said, most creditors realize that life happens, and such legitimate circumstances like an unexpected illness, injury, or the loss of your job do not necessarily reflect negatively on your creditworthiness.

When Things Take a Turn for the Worse

If you are in the process of paying on a loan or loans and one of these unforeseen circumstances befall you, talk to your loan officer. Most loan institutions find it in their best interest to work with the lendee, and will often make the necessary arrangements to make it easier for you to make your payments. Just remember, they want their money, and the last thing they want is for you to default on your loan, or heaven forbid, declare bankruptcy!

Michael Talbert is an author that writes on a variety of topics. Visit The Loan Station at for more information.Annabal Blog60377
Cassandre Blog66160

Rental Property Investment A Quick Introduction

Rental property investment is emerging as an excellent option for investors as they are anxious about the sudden slumps and trifling gains of the stock market.

Are you looking for rental property investment? Before you set on your quest for a rental property, ensure that you really know what its like to be a landlord. Though it is a profitable venture, it is not a cinch by any means. You would have to maintain the property in order to reap the financial rewards throughout the period of your ownership.

To many, rental property investment is simply something that involves buying a house, giving it on rent, and then raking in bucks while relaxing in a couch. However, this is far from being realistic, especially, if you wish for a regular rental income for years to come. Bagging a rental property and accruing a healthy rental income for a year or two is nothing but a mundane task. However, maintaining a steady rental income until you sell the property is what counts as a great effort on your part.

Being an investor, there is nothing worse than having to keep a vacant rental property. This is because you would still need funds for the upkeep of the property, which isnt providing you any returns as its vacant. Therefore, you should actively seek tenants, and do whatever is possible to keep them contented. This involves heeding to the needs of the tenants and making timely repairs. Though you might carry out some trivial repairs by yourself, other complex tasks (fixing pipe leaks and windowpanes) are best left to an expert.

In your quest for rental property investment, it is pivotal that you consider the locale. This entails taking into account the distance of the property from your residence, the availability of tenants, the average rent that you can collect, and the ability of tenants in the locality to pay you. Some locales may prove more beneficial than others. For instance, it is better to rent a house nearby a college, since an awful lot of students are likely to search for a dwelling in the vicinity of their college. This results in an ample supply of tenants all year round.

In a gist, rental property investment is all about analyzing the locale, doing whatever it takes to rent your property, keeping your tenants happy, and maintaining the property so it can be rented year after year thereby minimizing the vacancy period.

Copyright © 2006 Joel Teo. All rights reserved. (You may publish this article in its entirety with the following author's information with live links only.)

Joel Teo writes on various financial topics relating to Ahwatukee Real Estate Investment. Signup for his free online Real Estate Investing newsletter today and gain access to the Six Day Real Estate Investment Profits Course now at Blog22121
Belle Blog47291

A Proud Family Tradition...Casa Santiago: Rug Weavers in Teotitln del Valle, Oaxaca

Porfirio Santiago is at his loom, diligently weaving a massive 2 x 3 meter rug with traditional designs, from memory, with representations of Zapotec diamonds, rainfall, maize and mountainsjust as his father Toms, grandfather Ildefonso and great grandfather before him. Wife Gloria is carding a mix of white and caramel colored raw wool. Behind them, hanging over the black wrought iron banister overlooking the sunny open courtyard are drying batches of spun wool in tones of green, brown, red and blue, byproducts of the use of natural dyes from the ail or indigo plant, seed pods, mosses, pecan, pomegranate zest, and of course the cochineal bug.

Such ritual in Teotitln del Valle, an ancient tribal town about a half hours drive from Oaxaca, has been played out continuously on a daily basis since about 1535, when Dominican bishop Juan Lpez de Zrate arrived in the village and introduced borregos (caprine sheeplike animals yielding wool) and the first loom, shipped from Spain across the Atlantic. The use of natural dyes and weaving predate the conquest, but it was the European invasion which jump-started a cottage industry producing serapes, blankets and tapetes (rugs).

Over generations the village grew, and began specializing in solely rugs, initially used as trade and sale items within a commercial network of towns in other parts of the state, and to a lesser extent other regions of the country. With the completion of the pan-American highway connecting Oaxaca with Mexico City in the late 1940s, the market opened up. By the 1950s air travel had begun to facilitate greater export as well as a tourist industry which quickly took notice of a broad range of handcrafted items from foreign lands.

Artesanias Casa Santiago is comprised of a single extended family whose main production facility, showroom and homestead has been on the towns main street since 1966. Then Porfirio occupied most of his working hours as a campesino in the fields, with rug production as a sideline. Over the decades he began spending fewer days working the land and more producing tapetes of both traditional Zapotec designs, and more recently based upon consumer demand, of modern patterns, reproducing themes from the masters of modern art and accepting custom orders such as the recent request for a wall hanging promoting Pentax cameras.

Illustrative of the depth of this family tradition, five of Porfirios six siblings and their families are weavers, the other a pre-school teacher. On Glorias side, while her siblings are members of a large well-known musical band which plays at municipal fiestas, weddings, quince aos and other rites of passage, they too are trade artisans, although more on a part-time basis. All of Porfirio and Glorias children work in the industry, as do their spouses. Three of four sons and their wives live on premises and work at all phases of production, with the fourth having his own taller just up the street. One son, Omar, is an architect, but is nevertheless an integral contributor to all aspects of the family business. One daughter and her husband work at the main facility, another is employed at her in-laws workshop and restaurant a couple of blocks away, and the last and her husband have their own home and rug business. Each child completed high school, deciding to thereafter keep the family tradition alive to the extent possible. As has been repeating for generations, the grandchildren, now 17 in number, while watching their parents and grandparents from infancy, begin learning in earnest at about 10 years of age, and by roughly 20 are proficient at all aspects of the operation. In terms of the division of labor, years ago women tended to dye, card and spin, while the men were the weavers. Nowadays, at least in this family, each is fully capable of performing all tasks, although its exclusively men who work the largest looms requiring the greater strength and stamina.

Another family convention has been the performing of important administrative duties for the town without monetary compensation, an aspect of voluntary community labor known as tequio. In 1931, Porfirios grandfather was mayor of the village, and more recently between 1996 and 1998, Porfirio himself was el presidente municipal. By then the job had become a three year unpaid post, nevertheless requiring a full-time commitment, necessitating doing the farming, raising family and maintaining a rug business in the early morning hours or after dark. Yet the pride and sense of responsibility in serving ones community took priority over concerns about being able to get all the work done in 24 hours that had to be completed. Even today, Porfirio on a seasonal basis splits his time between making and selling woolen products, and working the fields to supply the family with corn for making tortillas and tamales.

Despite being one of the most personable families one could ever hope to happen upon in the Valley of Oaxaca, Don Porfirio et. al. dont get the large tour buses stopping by their shop for exhibitions. Perhaps its the personalities of the family members which clearly doesnt lend to the formality of onlookers seated in a gallery for a demonstration, followed by a hard sell. Mara Lusa and husband Jose Lus, Toms, Hugo, and the rest of the family on hand seem to have learned from their parents to be more relaxed and engaging within a congenial informal setting. Theyll take you to see whatever galvanized metal, plastic or clay pots happen to be in use for dyeing, and bring over a simple cardboard box to show you a half dozen or so natural substances used for coloring the wool. If Gloria isnt available to card and spin, perhaps a daughter-in-law will shyly say that shell do it, smiling as she admits shell not as good at is as her suegra. Its a more real and honest attempt to demonstrate the way things are actually done in the Santiago family, not at all contrived, and absent any pretension whatsoever. Its what drew me and my wife to Casa Santiago in 1993, for the purchase of our first tapete which even today continues to enhance our living-room floor. It draws us back time and again for a visit, often with a spur-of-the-moment offer of a little mezcal with a botana, either alone, with friends and family visiting from Canada and the US, or with touring clients.

While Casa Santiago has over time succeeded in adapting to changing domestic and international trends in terms of color tones and combinations, designs and diversity of product (now also offering handbags, wall hangings, pillow covers and more), its the longstanding, proud Zapotec custom of producing tightly woven, high quality traditional rugs which will live on through Porfirio, Gloria and their lineage.

Artensanias Casa Santiago, Av. Juarez 70, Teotitln del Valle, Oaxaca 70420. Tel: (951) 524-4154; (951) 524-4183. Web: .

Alvin Starkman together with wife Arlene operates Casa Machaya Oaxaca Bed & Breakfast ( ). Alvin received his masters in social anthropology in 1978, and his law degree in 1984. Thereafter he was a litigator in Toronto until taking early retirement. He and his family were frequent visitors to Oaxaca between 1991 and when they became permanent residents in 2004. Alvin reviews restaurants, writes about life and cultural traditions in Oaxaca, and tours couples and families to the villages. Catie Blog65904
Bibby Blog7102

Fiber Optic Lights in Your Prom Updo

The newest sensation sweeping proms around the nation! Fiber optic lights in your hair that sparkle like a rock star. What am I talking about? This is a new product called Glowbys. These are hair barrettes with small batteries and fiber optic lights. These lights will glisten in your hair at your next dance or party as the darker the room and your hair, then the more sparkle you get.

But will it work with blonde hair? Of course. The fiber optic lights are so bright, they make blonde hair sparkle. I guess the only place they wouldnt work well would be in direct sunlight.

Fiber optics are like a plastic wire with the light source at one end. Then, you can trim this plastic to the length you need. Only the ends of the plastic are illuminated. The light follows the curve of the fiber optics no matter which way it twists or turns. Thats why the fiber optics can easily be sculpted into your updo or hairstyle with your hair. Its not like you are wearing lights, its like your hair is sparkling with tiny diamonds. It has amazing results and attracts attention from everyone, not just your date.

The glowby lights are attached by a barrette and can be worn under your hair so just the lights illuminate or there is a decorated version to wear like a regular barrette. They can be used over and over and if the batteries go out, simply replace them and you are sparkling again. They come in all colors to accent your dress or hair color. Diamond white, electric blue, deep violet, bright pink, ruby red, orange and yellow. You can also get a short one at 10 or the long one at 15 in length.

How much are they and where do I get them and what do they look like? They are inexpensive at around $13. I dont sell them. I just wanted to make you guys aware of what is out there and this is a fun updo idea for prom.

Youll be amazed at the attention youll receive from other guys and jealous un-glowby adorned females. Make your prom a hit and let your updo shine with these innovative lights.

Stuart SimpsonBrunhilde Blog78443
Ashla Blog50406

Are You A Go-Getter? Online Career Training Puts You In Charge

Patience is a virtue or so we have been told. Is that still true for todays generation who demand instant gratification? It is open for debate but one thing is for sure we live in a fast-paced world. Things happen almost at the speed of light and before they can be comprehended the next big thing is already taking place. This is a fact of all areas of life including education. People want to learn a skill or gain knowledge that will allow them to earn a great income. Society teaches us that the key to doing this is to go to college. However, todays lightening-paced generation does not necessarily want to spend four years of their lives trying to earn a college degree.

So whats the answer? For some the answer may be career training. This training provides skills and knowledge to a student at a self-chosen pace. Once a student enrolls in a career training course how fast the training is absorbed will be determined by the individual. If a person wants to slowly digest the training that can be done. If the person prefers to gulp it down quickly that can be done as well. It is entirely up to the student to decide how much learning is to be done and at what pace. Depending on the course selected a student could learn a new skill in as little as three months and be fully prepared to enter the job market right away! No four year degree program can make that claim.

In addition to learning at ones own pace, career training also allows a student to learn in ones own environment. Career training courses can be provided online so a student can study a course at any time or place as long as a computer with internet access is available. This will also help keep the pace moving along because it wont be necessary to spend time driving to a college campus. Nor will a student have to sit in a stuffy classroom with scores of other students learning at a pace set by the professor. Without a commute to a college campus the student saves precious time that could be well spent in other areas of life, such as working a part-time job or spending time with the family.

The technologically advanced world we live in moves faster than a speeding electron. Unfortunately, those who fail to keep up get left behind and may never catch up again. Career training can help a person to not only keep up with the rat race but actually get ahead of the pack. So why not take a few minutes of your time to look into career training? It will be time well spent.

Copyright 2006 Sherry Harris

Sherry Harris is the President of online career training school, Malibu Institute. For more information on master certificate courses and career education offered, go to: http://www.MalibuInstitute.comAudi Blog6530
Camila Blog11415

Pittsburgh High School Reform Task Force

The High School Reform Task Force

Superintendent Mark Roosevelt announced the creation of the Pittsburgh Public Schools High School Reform Task Force. The High School Reform Task Force, which consists of leaders of both secondary and higher education, private foundations and businesses, experts in workforce development, parents, and members of the community will carefully examine these principles and determine how best to implement an action plan for high school reform within the Pittsburgh Schools. The Task Force has been created to evaluate and reinvent Pittsburghs high schools as part of the Districts Excellence for All reform plan, which provides a roadmap for improving the academic performance of all students in the Pittsburgh Public Schools.

In an effort to make necessary educational reforms and improve the rate of Pittsburgh Public Schools graduates, Superintendent Mark Roosevelt commissioned a recent RAND Corporation study that revealed 64 percent of the districts high school students graduate. One of key measures in the Excellence for All reform plan is to increase the graduation rate by 10 percentage points by the end of the 2008-2009 school year.

Developing a comprehensive high school reform plan will be one of our most critical initiatives in the coming year, said Roosevelt. With the changes in the economy, we must improve the academic rigor and preparation of our high school students so they have the best opportunity to succeed in the workforce and higher education. Superintendent Roosevelt is expected to present a comprehensive plan for high school reform to the Board by April 2007.

The Task Force will be led by Jan Ripper, Principal on Special Assignment for high school reform and Dr. Lynn Spampinato, Deputy Superintendent of Instruction, Assessment, and Accountability. It will meet for the next six months to extensively study best practices from national experts on high school reform and receive input on workforce development issues from local and national corporate leaders, economists and job-force training experts. Task Force members will also visit nationally recognized highperforming high schools in urban systems throughout the country and determine which of the best practices studied are right for the Pittsburgh Public Schools. The work of the High School Reform Task Force is being funded through a grant of $255,000 from The Fund in Excellence in the Pittsburgh Public Schools, a new fund established by the local foundation community to support the Superintendents district reform agenda.

Excellence For All

A central principle of Excellence for All is that all children can learn at high levels, regardless of their age, experience, or background. The Task Force is charged with the creation and realization of a reform initiative that supports this standard and prepares Pittsburghs high school students for the promise of post-secondary education and career and technical employment. Their evaluation will be guided by the following six core principles identified as necessary for transforming high schools by the National High School Alliance:

Personalized learning environment
Academic engagement of all students
Empowered educators
Accountable leaders
Engaged communities and youth
Integrated system of curriculum, instruction, and assessment supports.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues. For more information on Pittsburgh schools visit Blog3357
Bobette Blog61217

Secrets of Paddlewheel Cruises

There is probably no cruise vacation that is more American than traveling by paddleboat along one of American's most majestic rivers. Paddlewheels or steamboats offer unique cruise vacations that take you to some of America's best loved and most scenic cities and sees them as they were meant to be seen--from the water. From the waterways of Alaska to a steamboat down the MIssissippi, the steamboat cruise is the all-American vacation.

The paddlewheeler may sound as American as apple pie and it certainly conjures up thoughts of Mississippi gamblers, dance hall girls, and the American frontier. However, paddlewheel ships actually originated in China and can be found all over the world. Americans in the 19th century took the ancient concept of using a paddlewheel and made two improvements: they moved the wheel to the stern or back of the ship (ancient Chinese vessels had the wheel in the front) and they powered these new vessels with the steam engine.

You can book a paddlewheel cruise from a few different lines. Some of them also feature old-fashioned furnishings and a staff in period costumes. You may also be treated to some themed events during your cruise.

Paddleboats cruised the Mississippi in the 19th century, but most of these ships were working vessels. They carried merchandise as well as passengers up and down the river. Some of the best known ports on the route include St. Louis and Memphis, but the Mississippi runs as far north as Minneapolis and as far south as New Orleans, where it empties into the Gulf of Mexico.

Accommodations on these modern versions of paddlewheel cruises tend to go back to the style of the day when travel was more leisurely but also a bit grander. Expect stately touches on the ship and modern amenities along with antique furnishings. One does not grab a bite on a steamboat; it's more typical to dine. While paddlewheelers today do accommodate our modern preference for the casual lifestyle, this is about as far from the "barefoot" cruise as you can get.

In their day, the American steamboats frequently offered gambling, entertainment that for its day was considered racy, and music from a calliope. A calliope is a very loud, steam-operated instrument most frequently associated with the circus. You'll find them on some steamboat cruises today, along with lots of music in the evenings (the type depends a lot on the cruise you take).

Before the Civil War, many Southern plantations along the Mississippi were deliberately built on the river so that they could send their crops more easily to market. Cruising by paddlewheeler allows you to see some of these antebellum mansions the way they were meant to be viewed by a party approaching on the river.

Even many Southern cities on the Mississippi were built to be visited not by land but by waterway. The grand dame of all river cities in the United States remains New Orleans. Katrina notwithstanding, New Orleans is back. You can visit the French Quarter (which abuts the Mississippi River) and at least one major cruise line is using New Orleans again as a port.

Probably the best known line for this type of cruise vacation is Majestic America, which offers Mississippi River and other paddlewheel cruises (

Paddlewheels also are frequently used on shorter day trips. Brunch cruises, short sightseeing cruises, or even day-long cruises can be found all over the country (including in Orlando, a landlocked city). While this can be a great way to sample the experience of a steamboat trip without committing to a cruise, it's not going to be as true a steamboat experience as a multi-day journey on the river.

While the steamboat may seem old-fashioned or even clumsy, their small size and design actually makes them far more maneuverable than larger vessels. Captains typically have a bit more latitude in setting their course and itinerary, meaning that depending on the time of year and the river conditions, the captain may be able to travel to slightly different areas to get the best views of wildlife or other sites of interest.

Don't expect to find lots of passengers; a steamboat cruise will take only a few dozen to possibly a few hundred passengers on any one trip. This means that passengers on a steamboat cruise will get to know each other, interact with each other, and actually rediscover the pastime of conversation. While you won't find as many activities on a steamboat as on a large cruise ship (there won't be a miniature golf course, ice-skating rink, or rock wall), you will find more opportunities to get to know other people.

Since steamboats have always been known for their music, you can usually expect lots of rollicking evening entertainment, from jazz cruises on the Mississippi to other dance bands in the North. Steamboats may be nostalgic and stately but they aren't quiet, especially at night.

And while the Mississippi River cruise has to be the quintessential steamboat experience, you'll also find river cruises that go as far north as Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Washington state and even Alaska. The Alaskan cruises, in particular, boast that they can access ports and areas that are off-limits to the larger cruise ships.

Whether you're looking for a red-white-and-blue cruise experience or just as slightly different spin on the traditional cruise vacation, a paddlewheel cruise in the U.S.A. offers a wonderful vacation experience.

Mandy Karlik is a freelance travel writer and loves to cruise. To learn more about paddlewheel cruises and other cruise options, check out some of her other articles on .Bria Blog75630
Annabelle Blog17826

Choosing Your College Location

Deciding where you will go to college is one of the greatest times of your life. You are planning where you will spend then next four years and get some of the most valuable experiences in your life. College location is very important and it makes the decision even more exciting. It is an opportunity for you to move to a new place. Here are some popular destinations!

Pepperdine University is an elite and reputable school where you can get high quality education. Another great thing with this school is its spitting distance from Malibu Beach! Pepperdine offers the dual advantage of being a gread school in a nice place.

Boston is the biggest and one of the coolest university towns in the country. Every one who attends Boston College end up falling in love with the town by the time they graduate.

Vanderbilt is one of the top rated schools in the country, and is located in the south, where you can experience southern hospitality and culture at its best.

If you are into sports as well as academics, the University of Tennessee might be of special interest for you, because it has both. It is one of the most highly regarded state universities in the United States.

If you really want to aim high, how about Duke University? One of the highest rated schools, Duke provides a quality education, a valuable degree and good memories to all its graduates.

For a good women college in a nice, fun town, you might look into Stephens College. Stephens is located in the town of Columbia, Missouri, a nice, small university town located in a pretty area.

Virginia Tech is a great university on the east coast. Its an old, historic town with many scenic places. The school has excellent academics and a great football team.

If you'd like to live on the west coast, USC is a good, well-respected school where you can get a quality education.

If you are an artist and would like to find a job right out of school, you might look into attending a Fashion Institute. There are many all over the country. You may also want to study graphic design to make you job ready when you graduate.

The University Miami has great academics, and everybody wants to live in Miami! The school is also recognized for its outstanding sports programs and extracurricular activities.

Harvards reputation often overshadows its excellent academics. Life at Harvard is stressful, but if you are up for the challenge, it is a great school to attend. Its still as good as its always been.

Yale, too, has maintained its reputation as a great school. These two Ivy League colleges, Harvard and Yale, are old rivals, so picking which one youd like to attend is a hard choice.

If you are interested in studying business and getting an MBA, Columbia University is still the right choice. Business leaders are looking for young recruits with Columbia University MBAs!

There are almost too many choices out there for prospective students. The list above covers only a few. Our preferences are different, you can choose to live in any part of the country. If you prefer being close to the beach, or the mountains, you can let that help you decide on your school. You can pick Ivy League schools, or schools custom tailored to your genuine interests. Before you decide on a school, you should think carefully about what kind of thing you would like to study and where you would like to live. The possibilities are almost endless!

Nic Haffner is a publisher of College Education Info Resources. You can go to for more.Beatrice Blog30498
Bertie Blog10408

Whats the Objective of Your 1st Sales Appointment?

Have you defined what you want to happen at the conclusion of your 1st appointment? Only then can you actually set up a proficient sales methodology to achieve the defined objective more times than not. And with a pre-defined objective to your 1st appointment you can (1) set a realistic benchmark of success and (2) measure the outcome. It becomes part of your sales performance scorecard.

What is a 1st appointment to proposal ratio? Its simply how many times you gain commitment with your prospect to take the next step, as outlined by your sales process. Depending on your solutions-based product or service and your sales methodology, your Next step may be one of the following:

An on-site demonstration A trial period of your widget A tour of your operations or manufacturing facility A no-obligation survey An evaluation and side-by-side comparison, apples to apples A solution-based evaluation, apples to oranges

Whatever your Gateway is, be sure to attach a business rule and definition to it, and then most importantly measure it. For example, lets look at a telecommunications company that provides voice, data and wireless services to their customer base. The objective of their first appointment is to gain commitment from their Target prospect to perform a diagnostic survey of their current services as it relates to their overall business imperatives and financial success factors for the current year and bring them back a Blueprint of ROI based solutions.

With their 1st appointment objective Gateway defined, they come to a decision to measure that gateway by having the target prospect sign a release form that enables them to contact their current service provider and request a specification report around line, data and feature connectivity.

The advantage of defining and measuring the first Gateway is that it will provide you with a Reality Mirror of how competent you are with the initial phase of your sales process. So if you have set a realistic benchmark company-wide of a 60% 1st Appointment to Proposal ratio and you have individuals below it, you can pro-actively provide them with targeted coaching and support tools to help them achieve the standard benchmark. And that drives more revenue.

If I walk into a sales division and diagnose their 1st appointment to proposal ratio is below 60%, I immediately know up to 5 specifics:

They are not calling on the Highest appropriate level of contact

They are not calling on the right type of company by industry or application

They have not defined a 1st appointment objective (A Gain Commitment Gateway)

They have no message or are poor at communicating the message

They are selling their services instead of selling the diagnostic steps in the Process and backing it up with 3rd party validations

The first two factors are directly related with whom you decide to call on. You probably know who uses your product or service, but you might need some business acumen training to better understand the critical financial success indicators of your prospect parallel to their Front Burner business objectives.

More than often not, a low 1st appointment to proposal ratio is related to a process of not calling on the highest appropriate level of contact. By that I mean understanding the level of responsibility within a company that has the most input into a buying decision. Who has the ownership? Who is at the need to know level? It may be more than one level or title, but it is important to resolve to a top-down selling process.

A top-down selling process will raise your 1st appointment to proposal conversion rates because you are in front of the appropriate person from the start. That person has enough clout to sign on to the next step or to legitimately dismiss the process. If you are dealing with a subordinate level, to the degree of which you are will be the degree your conversion rate will expeditiously decrease.

There was a start-up company in a recently de-regulated industry that had accumulated 300 million dollars in investor money to build a business. Their primary sales distribution channel was a direct sales team. They decided to retain a sales training firm to set up all sales strategies, appropriate processes and training to execute to their revenue goals. Interesting enough, they promoted just the opposite of a top down selling process.

They promoted a strategy and process of initiating contact with business receptionists. That's right, the nice folks who sit in the lobby to answer and direct all the inbound calls. They felt if you promote yourself to these receptionists, flatter then with brand reference gifts, they would eventually lead you to the right person of authority to look at the sales proposition. After all, they know all the names and extensions, and who has what title. I guess you could call it a bottom up selling process.

At the same time, I was heading up a direct sales team competing directly with their services in the same geographical area. We followed the sales strategies and processes I am outlining. Our competitors sales cycle was longer and their average revenue per sale was smaller. Two years later, we had grown 509% and were acquired by a national company. That was the goal. Our competitor filed chapter 11, let everyone go, and liquidated all assets. End of story.

The level of responsibility you decide to call on directly effects your 1st appointment to proposal ratio.

Here are (8) diagnostic tips to improve your 1st Appointment to Proposal ratio.

Employ an ROI-based lead generator system that contains data recognition, classification, and custom extraction specific to your business offering

Internally define what the objective of the 1st appointment is; a demo, a site visit, a survey or a proposal, set a benchmark of success and universally measure it.

Promote your Product/service offering in a way to provide a measurable soft or hard dollar ROI over time.

Call on the Highest appropriate level of contact for your offering; one that that has fiscal authority if a proposal make business sense.

Use a diagnostic approach in your sales appointment to understand what your Prospects business objectives are in the short and long term.

Get some Business Acumen training to become proficient in understanding how fiscal people measure their business and support your business offering with relevant terms such as ROI, IRR and Payback Period.

Dont sell your product or service on the 1st appointment. Promote the diagnostic steps of your process to evaluate the opportunity to increase performance, efficiencies or reduce costs.

Utilize a software proposal generator (non-Boiler-plate) that develops custom proposals specific to your Prospects required deliverables and how your solutions will facilitate them getting there sooner rather than later. Show examples during your 1st appointment process.

Defining a specific objective for your 1st appointment, setting a realistic benchmark of achievement and measuring the outcome will begin to get you on track to an 80%+ 1st appointment to Proposal ratio. Then support the sales objective by developing or outsourcing quality tools tied to technology and best practices to allow more of your sales employees to achieve superior benchmark results.

Jeff Hardesty is a National sales speaker, Sales performance improvement consultant and the Developer of the X2 Sales System, a blended sales prospecting training system that teaches sales professionals the competency of setting targeted C-level business appointments. Beth Blog15571
Aila Blog40069

Up-Close, Behind-the-Scenes Look at Career Training

Making decisions can be difficult especially if you dont have all the facts. When it comes to deciding which career path to take the options appear to be varied and complex. In this day and age the number of fields in which to have a career have steadily increased but the career training for these fields may not be readily available. Or so it would seem. With the advent of the computer and the internet, career training has grown and expanded in leaps and bounds. So how does one make sense of so many career choices and options? Get the facts.

Career training is highly affordable Unlike a traditional four year college or university education, career training is quite inexpensive. In some cases the training could be charged to a credit card without exceeding the spending limit. Or a part-time job could be worked in order to save enough money to pay for the career training in cash in a relatively short time. A personal loan from your bank could also pay for the necessary training. Only one loan would be needed whereas with a college education multiple student loans are usually required to pay for tuition. Whichever method of payment you choose none of them will leave you in heavy debt for many years to come.

Career training is convenient In the comfort and privacy of your own home your career training can be carried out with a minimum of fuss. By means of a computer and internet access you can get started on the road to a rewarding and fulfilling career. There is no need to get in your vehicle, battle with rush hour traffic and arrive at an overcrowded university campus. Instead you can take your training at your leisure because it is up to you when, where and how long you want to immerse yourself in your studies. You set your own schedule and pace for your career training which leaves you firmly in control of your life.

Career training is diverse Career training gives a student unlimited opportunities to learn about any number of subjects and topics. Whichever way your interests turn you can find a corresponding career training course to match them. There are many people who enjoy the role of educator and they make their extensive knowledge available to others by means of career training courses. All you have to do is take advantage of them by means of your computer and internet access. Because experts are teaching the course of your preference you can be confident that you are receiving the best training available. This leads us to our next fact.

Career training is efficient Upon completion of a course your skill and knowledge level will be at peak condition because career training provides real-world experience. Instead of studying about the theory of a particular subject you will actually do the work as if you are already on the job. Career training provides hands-on interactive instruction. Receiving the experience of doing the work in the field of your choice will put you ahead of the people who merely sat in a classroom and did nothing but read books and listen to a professor give lectures. There is no substitute for real-world experience and that is exactly what career training provides. In addition most career training subjects can be learned in just a few months as opposed to a four to five year university education.

As the facts indicate, career training is a very viable option for people who want to have a career and be successful. Studies have shown that the trend in many industries is moving away from hiring people with college degrees to hiring people who have specialized skills or knowledge. Career training allows a person to choose a specific topic and gain an extensive knowledge and skill set. Employers then hire the person because they have received specialized practical training and experience in a certain area of expertise. So ask yourself, Do I want to waste time and money obtaining a degree that I may or may not be able to use to get a job or would I rather gain a specialized skill in a short amount of time without incurring a large debt and land a great job? If you are unsure of how to answer the question do yourself a favor and get the facts.

Sherry Harris is the President & CEO of online career training school, Malibu Institute. For more information on career education courses and programs offered, go to: http://www.MalibuInstitute.comCathrin Blog1627
Ceil Blog6795

UK Resident Doctors and Dentists - Are You Planning Your Financial Future Or Being Sold Policies?

There are really only two types of services you can choose from when getting help with planning your finances, although some financial advisers do not offer both.

The key question you should ask yourself is which one is best:

Financial Advice or Financial Planning?

Clients that get financial advice often end up treating their financial programme like a shopping trip. They simply progress through life collecting policies. It is very much an event driven exercise.

For example, you may have children so you buy some life assurance or see an advert and buy an investment policy etc.

Because it is event driven the advice is reactive/problem solving, and will almost always result in a policy being sold to you (or doing the research yourself and you buying the policy without advice).

The problem with this is that there isnt any form of measurement that takes place until its too late. You reach the checkout, i.e. retirement, and have to hope you have enough in your trolley to last you for the rest of your life.

Or worse, something goes wrong on the way to the checkout illness, accident etc and you have to rummage in the trolley in the hope that you have something in there to deal with the problem.

In simple terms it is a retail service and the people that provide it get paid according to what they sell (assuming they are paid by commission and not by fees from you).

Having said that, a financial advice service may be appropriate for your needs now before you progress to a more comprehensive financial planning service.

Financial Planning is much simpler and more effective.

The first step is to work out what your objectives are, making sure you spend time to work out both your needs and your wants. The next step is to work out how far all your existing plans and investments will go towards achieving your objectives.

Cashflow forecasting software is then used to build the framework of your financial plan, marrying up your objectives with your current and future sources of income.

Cashflow modelling is crucial as it gives your Financial Planner a context within which advice can be provided because it highlights any areas of vulnerability. More importantly, it gives you a context within which you can make decisions as the effects of various scenarios can be modelled.

This could be termed your own financial map for the future. On many occasions clients are better off than they imagined and surprised with the results, meaning they can make more accurate financial decisions.

As you can probably see, financial planning is much more proactive and holistic/comprehensive. The problem is that it only works properly if it is impartial. You need to have the confidence that all your options have been considered; writing a will for Inheritance Tax planning versus purchasing an insurance product is a good example of this.

Indeed, it may be the case that you already have enough money to achieve your goals in life so the best strategy may be to spend more.

Equally, if by measuring your worth against your objectives it is shown to be a very rosy picture, you could reduce the risk with your existing investments. This protects you from the volatility present in many portfolios.

Commission or Fees?

If your adviser only got paid if they sold you a policy, you may well question the impartiality. Even more worrying is that ongoing reviews and monitoring is essential to make sure your planning remains on track.

If your adviser only gets paid when he/she sells you something, can you really rely on the ongoing attention to your planning needs?

The Financial Tips Bottom Line:

So to summarise, financial planning is more proactive, holistic and comprehensive, and may be a more appropriate proposition for your needs than financial advice. Getting impartial advice is the key, and this can be achieved with a fee based financial planning service. If you deal with an adviser, remember to ask them what financial planning services they offer.

If they only provide a financial advice service, maybe it's time to interview other advisers that DO offer the type of service that you're looking for.

Copyright 2006 Ray Prince

Ray Prince is an Independent Financial Planner with Rutherford Wilkinson plc, and helps UK Resident Doctors and Dentists get the best deals on mortgages, protection and investments, as well as helping them achieve their financial objectives. Just visit to get your free retirement guide. Rutherford Wilkinson plc is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.Beverley Blog56255
Brandy Blog82764

What Can You Learn From Watching Kickboxing Dvds?

Kickboxing refers to the martial art of using kicks, punches and throws; this art can be practiced as a sport or for fitness purposes. Kickboxing entails a set of rules and guides following which you can participate in a kickboxing competition. There are different forms of kickboxing including American kickboxing, Japanese kickboxing, French kickboxing, Indian kickboxing and others; each of this form utilizes particular strikes and moves. The most prominent among all are American and Japanese forms of kickboxing.

Today, there are several instructors who teach kickboxing techniques and moves to those interested. Another convenient manner of learning kickboxing is through watching DVDs. DVDs have become increasingly popular as a source of entertainment and this medium is being used to learn a variety of arts; kickboxing is one of them.

Kickboxing DVDs are widely available and can help learn this martial art. The moves, techniques and training provided in the DVDs will help to grasp kickboxing at your own convenience. Since the DVD is at home, there is no pressure to attend classes and you can learn whenever you get the time to do so.

The available DVDs in the market range from providing basic guidelines on the art to providing ultimate expert level techniques. Whether you would like to train yourself as a kick boxer for personal fitness purposes or you want to learn kickboxing professionally, the wide array of DVDs will meet all your needs.

An online search on kickboxing DVDs will yield several results. Some of the prominent DVDs include Fitness Kickboxing DVD, Learn Kickboxing: Complete Kickboxing 1 & 2 DVD, and Korean Kickboxing. As the name suggests, Fitness Kickboxing DVD aims to train you with kickboxing skills to help you stay fit and healthy. Learn Kickboxing DVD 1 provides an introduction into the art and teaches skills including balance, grip, posture, targets of attack, defense drills, and combat; the second DVD focuses on strategies to stay strong, attack with power, and to gain confidence in exercising the learned moves. The Korean Kickboxing DVD trains you like a professional kick boxer. This comprehensive DVD enlists all basic movements as well as advance defensive techniques to produce an over-all expert in the art. The techniques and concepts taught in the DVD will train you with the necessary physical and mental capabilities. The complete instructions and the images on the screen help to better understand the art and practice accordingly.

Kickboxing DVDs are the ultimate source to learn this martial art. The detailed instructions along with the ease of learning at your own leisure add to the value of the DVDs. You can learn numerous concepts and strategies essential for combats and competition. Watching DVDs provides a decent opportunity to entertain and train oneself with kickboxing techniques thereby turning into a trained kick boxer.

Yoshi E Kundagawa is a freelance journalist. He covers the mixed martial arts industry. For a free report on kickboxing dvd's, visit his blog: Blog45285
Amye Blog27262

Online Nursing Degrees - Don't Knock It Till You Try It

Keeping pace with todays digital era, education is fast becoming a commodity that can be acquired online. This has paved the way for those students who wish to earn degrees, yet not in a position to attend regular classes in a university or a college.

Online nursing degree programs have particularly gained prominence of late, because among other reasons, the demand for nurses is estimated to grow exponentially in the coming decade. An online nursing degree program is aimed at preparing you for the mainstream job market while you retain the advantage of learning from a place of your choice and at a pace of your liking.

Since nursing as a subject requires practical competence, many online nursing degree programs will only allow you to complete the non-clinical portion of your coursework via online classes, while arranging clinical lessons at a medical facility near your home. As you can imagine, there are no schools that allow you to fulfill clinical requirements online.

Let us now look at some important features of online nursing degree programs:

1. Compared to easy pacing of coursework by some programs, many others that are affiliated with traditional universities will require online students to maintain same quarter or semester schedule as on-campus students.

2. While some online nursing degree programs allow the students to commence the course at any time, there are many that are structured like traditional classes/degree programs, which means that students are made into groups and scheduled to go through together. In the latter case, there will usually be a designated start date.

3. Although online nursing degree students generally do not meet instructors and classmates in person, it is seen that communication via email or online discussions often proves equally rewarding. The other benefit in favor of online students is that they usually receive instructors' lectures in written form.

4. Online nursing degree programs commonly offered are RN-to-BSN and MSN degrees. Although some institutions do offer a variety of advanced degree and certificate options, but they are rather few. In most cases, only one or a handful of degree programs are offered online.

5. Students, who wish to receive credit for work experience while pursuing online nursing degree program, generally have one or two options depending on the institute they plan to attend. Many institutes now allow students to complete proficiency exams such as the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) or the Proficiency Examination Program (PEP) in lieu of course-work in areas in which they have work experience or knowledge gained though independent study. If you are planning to enroll in an online nursing degree program, you will be happy to know that there are certain distinct advantages associated with it, enumerated below, though not all may be available together for a particular program. 1. You will be able to complete your online nursing degree coursework quickly and conveniently.

2. Online nursing degree programs are less expensive than traditional programs. While the cost widely varies by school and degree program, students may expect to pay anywhere from a little less than $100 to more than $300 dollars a credit, with average tuition for online programs sponsored by public universities generally falling in the $110-170 range. In addition, registration or enrollment fees may also be charged, though out-of-state tuition is not typically charged. Overall however, online nursing degree programs cost less than their traditional counterparts.

3. Flexible online nursing programs allow you to work around personal commitments. This is especially true for female nurses who are would-be mothers or have home and kids to look after.

4. Your curriculum can be tailored to meet your specific goals and you may be studying an up-to-date curriculum that addresses the critical needs of the health care industry.

5. If you work hard, you may look forward to completing your online nursing degree in just 2 to 3 years, or even sooner if you have qualifying credits or prior work experience.

Copyright 2006 Linda Raye

Linda Raye, editor at NursingChoice, is well known for her writing on healthcare topics. Nursing is one of her passions.Alyce Blog36254
Catherina Blog58284

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